AiR Green våren 2020 er utsatt



På grunn av den pågående koronakrisen er kunstneroppholdet AiR Green avlyst våren 2020. Kunstneroppholdet skulle blitt avholdt på Søndre Green gård fra 27. april – 25. mai 2020, men er isteden utsatt til samme periode våren 2021.

De fire kunstnerne som skulle deltatt i AiR Green denne våren er Ida Immonen (Finland), Anniken Jøsok Hessen (Norge), Sandy Harris (Sør-Afrika) og Addoley Dzegede (USA).

AiR Green er et arbeidsopphold for kunstnere som jobber tekstilbasert. Det utlyses internasjonalt og avholdes i to perioder hvert år (vår og høst) på gården til kunstneren Kristin Lindberg i Krødsherad.

Kunstneroppholdet arrangeres i samarbeid med Norwegian Crafts og Norefjell husflidslag (lokallag i Norges Husflidslag).


The artist residency AiR Green for spring 2020 has been cancelled due to the ongoing corona crisis. The residency was to be held at Søndre Green farm from April 27th – May 25th, but is now postponed to the same period in 2021.

The four artists who were to take part in AiR Green this spring are Ida Immonen (Finland), Anniken Jøsok Hessen (Norway), Sandy Harris (South Africa) and Addoley Dzegede (USA).

AiR Green is an international artist-in-residence opportunity for artists whose work relates to textile media. It is held twice a year (spring and fall) at artist Kristin Lindberg’s farm in Krødsherad, Norway.

The residency is in collaboration with Norwegian Crafts and the Norwegian Folk Art and Craft Association (Norges Husflidlag, Norefjell).

Presentation of the AiR Green participants spring 2021

Sandy Harris (South Africa)

The notion of space and its relationship to the body are primary concerns within Sandy Harris’s work. Her most recent work explores those things that take up or define space, in and around our homes, and how these things influence our interactions within the space.

Alongside this process she has been investigating fabric as a material in a broader sense. Using the idea of construction in fabric she is pushing the medium out of its regular use. She is interested in how it can be manipulated to produce form in the same way as other construction materials like wood or cement, but even more so, she is interested in its limitations: how it sags, pulls, stretches and warps.

Addoley Dzegede (US)

Addoley Dzegede’s work investigates notions of belonging, migration and location, and hybrid identities. Through a variety of media and techniques, she explores the metaphoric potential of materials, textile traditions, notions of “authenticity” and the ways color and pattern are used to as a means to assign belonging.

Image: Addoley Dzegede, Current(cy), 2018
Photo credit: Dusty Kessler. Addoley Dzegede: Ballast, installation view.
Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, May 11-August 19, 2018.

Anniken Jøsok Hessen (Norway)

(Norsk) Jeg skal bruke et opphold på Søndre Green Gård til å videreutvikle serien «Confronting Boredom – sketches for wall hangings». Arbeidene begynte som en undersøkelse i kjedsomhet. Kan jeg påføre meg selv kjedsomhet? Kan kjedsomheten føre til produktivitet? Hvor finnes mulighetene for å kjede seg i en scrollebefengt tidsalder? Jeg begynte med å tegne tegninger av rutenett på papir, det ble bestemt at jeg ikke fikk avslutte før hele arket var fylt, eller tegningen ikke tillot meg å tegne lengre. Dette for å sette meg selv i en situasjon hvor jeg sto i fare for å oppleve kjedsomheten. Jeg oppdaget at tegningene fikk tekstile kvaliteter og det ble naturlig for meg å oversette tegningene til broderi på en vevet flate.

Ida Immonen (Finland)

I work with the body from a feministic perspective using elements from popular culture. My practice is based for weaving, tufting, embroidery and knitting. Through my spouse who is visually impaired, I became interested in how we see without the sense of sight, and wanted to make things that are accessible, especially for people with visual impairments. I became fascinated with tactile access to information – things that convey information about sensory experiences, such as a woollen knitwear or a ceramic surface. Through my work with tactile information I found an interest in haptic perception, which is a combination of kinetic and tactile information.

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